Thursday, August 30, 2007

These pics bring you upto date with our journey so far! sorry I have posted in antichronological order just to befuddle you, I'm like that. We are now about to break our fast with bread and cheese (we are in europe what else!) and then set about thoroughly photographing the heck out of this place (cesky Krumlov - the cute medieval town). We will have a very comprehensive photographic record of this trip when we are done of intestest no no-one but our very worthy selves. Some of you lucky souls will be on the recieving end of said photographic record when we do return! Consider yourselves warned!
ps. the crazy bones pic are just that, we visited a chapel which had a crypt decorated with the bones of approximately 40,000 people! Decorations including the chandalier you see and also several huge bone pyramids and a bone coat of arms! Crazy!

1 comment:

japalinka said...

what a crazy place! i've seen a postcard from it years ago--always wanted to visit. will have to ask you later for details of location.

mmmmm.. czech beer.....mmmmm